How far along: 32 weeks
Total weight gain: 25 pounds
Maternity clothes: Of course!
Stretch marks: None yet.
Sleep: Doing pretty good on sleep, I can't complain there.
Best moment of the week: Spending almost 4 days alone with hubby in Angel's Camp enjoying our time together before our little girl joins us.
Miss anything: Seafood, especially after going to restaurants that offered fried calamari as delicious appetizers.
Movement: Still a very active little girl we have here. She even got the hiccups this week and Ross could feel them!
Food Cravings: Seafood and Sushi, of course when I see something and can't have it I naturally want it even more.
Anything make you sick or queasy: No
Gender: girl
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: Heartburn every now and then, mostly after I eat too much or she decides to have a dance party after I've just eaten.
Belly button in or out: Still hanging in there but it is now super flat.
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy all the time! Somewhat anxious when I get ready to go out of town. We have an emergency hospital bag packed just in case, better safe than sorry I think.
Looking forward to: Moving the bed out of baby girl's room this weekend! When I get back from house sitting it will be operation "set up nursery" in full effect.
Our Baby Moon was absolutely perfect in every way! We left Monday afternoon and met up with my Grandmother in Sonora for some dinner and lovely conversation.
Tuesday we went to a cute little hole in the wall place for breakfast just by chance, Sue's Angels Creek Cafe. After that we set out to the Calaveras Big Trees State Park to do a little hiking. We learned that the large stumps are in the North Grove as we drove towards the South Grove and hiked the river picnic trail and part of Lava Bluffs Trail. I really wanted to see the volcanic rock but I wasn't about to induce my own labor by overworking myself. When we got home from the Big Trees we decided to cool off by the pool for a bit. Ross took a nap in the sun and we enjoyed the cool water and did some "swim practice".
Uphill is hard work but down hill isn't any easier with baby in the front! |
Our date night dinner was spent at the Murphy's Hotel Restaurant. We highly recommend making the trip simply for their warm bread pudding, it is absolutely delicious!! I enjoyed the best New York Cheesecake I have ever had! After dinner we came back to the timeshare and watched Silver Linings Playbook. I wasn't sure what to expect from this movie, but I was pleasantly surprised by the very interesting story line.
Wednesday was our day of relaxation. I enjoyed a mother-to-be package at a local day spa while Ross enjoyed a round of 18 holes of golf at the Greenhorn Creek Golf Course. He was still playing when I got back from the spa so I joined him at the 14th or so hole. After golf we got ready and headed to Columbia to meet up with family friends, John & Jennie. They showed us around Columbia and treated us to a lovely dinner at Grounds in Murphy's.
Old School Bowling Alley with wooden bowling balls the size of a shot put!!! |
We wrapped up our trip on Thursday with breakfast in Murphy's and a walk around Ironstone Vineyard. What a beautiful location for any event. The ground were absolutely gorgeous. We also got to see a 50lb. crystalline gold nugget that was found in 1993 in Jamestown. They have it in the jewelry store at the vineyard in a vault guests can walk in and see. It was pretty awesome to see.
The 50 lb. Crystalline Gold Nugget |
Well, better late than never. After a very busy week of fun I have finally put together this week's post! Thank goodness!!
Hope everyone is having a blessed weekend!
~ miss kasie ~