Thursday, October 3, 2013

Baby girl is getting so big!

Makenzie Lynne

two months old
21.5 inches long & weighs 10 lbs. 2 oz.
smiles galore
eats like a piggy
coos all the time
tracks like a champ
enjoys morning walks and being outdoors
loves going on drives but HATES traffic

We are getting a little more sleep now a days.  She naps for 1-1.5 hours at a time throughout the day and sleeps for a good 3-4 hour blocks at night.  Just the other day she went 6 hours between feedings at night (not sleeping the whole time).  I think that means longer stretches of sleep for mom are in the near future.  She also no longer sleeps swaddled, however this means that it's a little more tricky to keep her asleep in the transition to her bed if she's already asleep.  

Makenzie loves to eat!  She has really perfected it actually which makes it easy for me.  She eats just about every 2.5-3 hours during the day and whenever she wakes up during the night.  She has no problem taking the bottle which made it very easy for Ross and I to go on a dinner cruise in San Francisco the other night.  

New skills
Although she isn't kicking a soccer ball around the front yard yet or anything she is definitely developing new skills.  When she's laying on her play mat she stares at herself in the mirror and has just started swinging at the hanging toys repeatedly.  My favorite new skill of hers is that smile!  She absolutely melts my heart every time.  

I am totally over disposables!  I hate having to run to the store and spend money on them when in two days they are full of poo and sitting in the trash can.  It all seems like one big waste of money to me.  So, since Makenzie has been growing and she finally fits into her cloth diapers we have made the transition.  I don't mind the extra load of laundry, it's pretty simple actually.  The only noticeable difference is the bulkiness factor; some of her clothes don't fit as well when she wears cloth. 

Her second month of life was full of fun events and not so fun ones; two month shots.  :(   She attended her second bridal shower, second wedding and took her longest road trip so far to Tahoe for Zia Chris and Zio Ryan's wedding.  

Before the wedding rehearsal

   Cousin Bethany holding Makenzie after the ceremony before bridal party photos.

It's so bright!  Thanks for the shades Jake ;)

Makenzie and I really enjoy our morning walks and naps.  She is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time which means we get to enjoy her beautiful smile more and more.  She's been spending more time on her tummy and is getting very strong. 

A day at the park with mom.

September in photographs. 

That's what we've been up to this month.  We are looking forward to the new developments month three has in store for us.

God Bless You 
Happy October!

~ miss kasie ~

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